Amier Candle

Aus Jedipedia

Amier Candle war der Abteilungsleiter der School of Public Policy der Imperialen Universität von Coruscant. Am 36:8:4 nach der Großen Eichung erklärte Imperator Palpatine Gerald Weizel in einer Zeremonie im Candreal Gardens Center auf Coruscant zum neuen Gouverneur von Chandrila. Candle befürwortete Weizels Ernennung in einem vom Coruscant Daily NewsFeed durchgeführten Interview.



  1. Eigenübersetzung: „Weizel has a certain flair for handing problem worlds. Like the Dakshee affair. Who would have guessed the union heads were JAN ringleaders? But Weizel sniffed them out, and resolved the issue without bloodshed. He has the savvy to hold his own with Chandrila’s formidable political personalities, and obviously, Coruscant hopes he has what it takes to bring Chandrila further into the Imperial fold.”