Diskussion:Geflügelter Gundark

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Nothing confirms the call sign OS-72-7 for this TIE pilot, as all official references only mention "Winged Gundark." This article needs to just be renamed to the "Winged Gundark" nickname. 17:31, 2. Jan. 2021 (CET)

You are absolutely correct. The author of this article seems to have just made a translation of the Wookieepedia article. While the text of the German version has changed ever since, no one did the research required to verify the page title. Therefore, I have moved the article back to the nickname of the TIE pilot and corrected the text. Many thanks for bringing this matter up. Kind regards, Skippi 19:10, 2. Jan. 2021 (CET)
Addendum: You’ve got the Wookieepedia role on our discord server. If you spot any other inconsistency, just post it into one of our channels (#canon, #legends) and we will provide you with a quick answer and do the corrections in need. Kind regards, Skippi 19:35, 2. Jan. 2021 (CET)