Jediquote:Zam Wesell

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Diese Seite ist eine Zitatsammlung zu Zam Wesell.
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Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger[Bearbeiten]


Jango Fett (Comic)[Bearbeiten]

Zitat: „Maybe you should choose your contracts more carefully.“(Jango Fett (Comic))
Zitat: „Wasn't the toughest job I've ever had.“(Jango Fett (Comic))
Zitat: „Got myself into his harem to get near him... convinced him to dismiss the rest of the staff for the evening so we could be alone. Hutts are so easy to manipulate.“ (Jango Fett (Comic))
Zitat: „You know, Jango, that's the problem with us. Neither one of us wants to make the first move.“(Jango Fett (Comic))
Zitat: „We really would make a hell of a team Jango.“(Jango Fett (Comic))

Zam Wesell (Comic)[Bearbeiten]