Jediquote:Osvald Teshik

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The Essential Guide to Warfare[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „Nobody believes in their own end until it's upon them, until it can't be escaped.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „My men thought we were a recon patrol and that our mission was to keep the Hapans honest. But I knew better — I knew we were going to a place from which we'd never return.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „The only survivor of the Battle of Andalia was the man sent there to die“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „Go ahead, Rebel — let's get it over with. Turn Grand Admiral Teshik to smoke. But remember what I saw and take heed of what I said. You'll be smoke, too, soon enough. For each of our wars is just one little piece of a greater war, one endless and incalculably larger.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „Hutt and Tionese, Republic and Sith, Loyalist and Separatist, Imperial and Rebel — I knew it didn't matter who had killed whom, or when or how or why. All at once I understood that those of us born to be sacrificed upon the pyre of war become one when we die...“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „The TIEs lasted two minutes. I watched the Battle Dragons' turbolasers lance out, brilliant green, searching in the darkness. I watched the Hapan gunners find the range, begin to turn TIEs into flowers of flames. I watched fighters wheel around for another pass, their laser bolts sparking useless blue spirals and whorls off the Hapan shields. Then they were all dead, and it was our turn.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „Six of the gunships were gone inside a minute, vaporized by the battle cruisers. The captains of the last two gunships panicked. They collided head on.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Essential Guide to Warfare: „But he was angry that your privateers had been running wild in the core, and that they'd kidnapped that swollen gasbag Advisor Veshiv from Esseles. Since I commanded that oversector, I had to sate his anger.“


Eg to Warfare Endnotes: Pt. 1[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Eg to Warfare Endnotes: Pt. 1: „Osvald Teshik and the Battle of Endor fit the bill, and I had my opening.“

Abel G. Peñas Blog[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Abel G. Peñas Blog: „Teshik's execution was nothing necessarily just, just politics as usual. Someone prominent had to take the fall for the atrocities committed by the Empire, but with Vader and Palp both already dead, only the GA in charge of the Core and that held off the Rebels for hours after the Death Star's destruction made a suitable showstopper. Tragically, Teshik was perhaps the least 'evil' of the GAs.“