Jediquote:Mace Windu

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Diese Seite ist eine Zitatsammlung zu Mace Windu.
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Episode I – Die dunkle Bedrohung (Zitate)[Bearbeiten]

Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger[Bearbeiten]

Episode III – Die Rache der Sith (Zitate)[Bearbeiten]


Planet der Verräter[Bearbeiten]

Wilder Raum (Zitate)[Bearbeiten]

Mace Windu und die Armee der Klone[Bearbeiten]

Yoda – Pfad der Dunkelheit (Zitate)[Bearbeiten]


  1. O-Ton: I'm the only person in the entire universe, in the entire existence, who has a purple light saber. Get that. Violett light. Me. How I convinced George to do that, hey, it's beyong me. I just kept saying it over, and over, and over. George, give me the purple light. George give me the purple light. George. Give. Me. The. Purple. Light. And he did. Haha Haha. People will be trying to figure out for years and years, centuries, centuries, what is the deeper meaning of Mace Windus purple light. Only I know the secret. George didn't even know. He has no idea why I asked. But try to unlock, and if you can get into my mind, you too will know, why I have the violett light.