2014 Sampler

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(Weitergeleitet von Star Wars 2014 Sampler)

Der Star Wars 2014 Sampler ist ein kostenloses E-Book des Verlags Del Rey, das am 15. Juli 2014 erschien. Es besteht aus Leseproben von jeweils einem der ersten Kapitel der vier Romane Eine neue Dämmerung von John Jackson Miller, Tarkin von James Luceno, Der Erbe der Jedi-Ritter von Kevin Hearne und Die Sith-Lords von Paul S. Kemp.

Inhaltsangabe des Verlags[Bearbeiten]

This free eBook sampler is the perfect way to prepare for the next exciting era of Star Wars storytelling! With Episodes VII, VIII, and IX on the horizon, Del Rey is proud to present the first wave of novels that are part of the official Star Wars film canon, created in collaboration with the newly formed Lucasfilm Story Group. The exclusive previews of these four books, starring fan favorites and set during and before the original trilogy, will transport you once again to a galaxy that doesn’t feel quite so long ago, or so far away. . . .

A NEW DAWN by John Jackson Miller

Set during the legendary “Dark Times” between Episodes III and IV, A New Dawn tells the story of how two of the lead characters from the animated series Star Wars Rebels first came to cross paths.

TARKIN by James Luceno

Bestselling Star Wars veteran James Luceno gives Grand Moff Tarkin the Star Wars: Darth Plagueis treatment, bringing a legendary character from A New Hope to full, fascinating life.

HEIR TO THE JEDI by Kevin Hearne

The author of The Iron Druid Chronicles tells a thrilling new adventure set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and-for the first time ever-written entirely from Luke Skywalker’s first-person point of view.


When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their awesome martial skills to prevail.
