Jediquote:Kaydel Ko Connix

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Episode VIII – Die letzten Jedi[Bearbeiten]

Der neue Widerstand[Bearbeiten]


Episode IX – Der Aufstieg Skywalkers[Bearbeiten]


  1. Eigenübersetzung: „So is there an old rebel stronghold on Ryloth that we can revive, like on Crait?“ – „Not an old stronghold, but there is an old rebel, a friend. And he owes me a favor.”
  2. Eigenübersetzung: „What about the Corellian teams?“ – „Team One has landed and is at the auction. They’re out of comlink contact […] for safety reasons. Seems there’s a substantial First Order presence where they are. But I’m monitoring that here. […]“ – „And the other Corellian team?“ – „No word from Corellian Team Two, either. But the minute I hear something, I’ll let you know.”
  3. Eigenübersetzung: „There aren’t enough of us!”